Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Activity 19 | Iceland Volcano on the Brink of Major Construction

  Iceland Volcano on the Brink of Major Construction

1. How did the past eruption of Mount Hekla affect Iceland and Europe?

The most famous and active volcano in Iceland is Mount Hekla, which has erupted 18 times since 1104, the last time in 2000. From a volcanological perspective, the activity at Hekla has made history, from its devastating effects on the agriculture to advancements in monitoring ash plumes. Activity at Hekla has always been destructive. A bluish haze from the eruption covered Europe and Iceland, causing difficulties in agriculture there. 

2. How do the volcanoes of Iceland benefit this country?

-  Volcanoes in Iceland provides geothermal energy. Over 90% of houses in Iceland are heated by natural geothermal heat. Apart from the beautiful scenery provided by Iceland's volcanic landscape that Icelanders use to attract tourists, Iceland is also one of the world's major users of geothermal electric power. The high levels of volcanism should also provide Iceland with fertile soils for growing crops as well.

3. How is Iceland preparing for another possible eruption? 

- After a summer of increased seismic activity at Katla, Icelanders are obsessing over the smallest sign of an eruption at the country’s most closely watched volcano. Advanced technologies were used and tested to predict or traced future possible eruptions. Practising and testing emergency procedures are fundamental for ensuring effective responses in operational environments during real crises. Conducting realistic exercises provides a means to validate contingency plans. 

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